• “Our vision is to be the nation’s leading public school of Health and Business management which can house curricula for both fields and provide interdisciplinary learning opportunities to Management and Healthcare professionals”


Our mission is to :

  • The Institute's mission is to develop and groom top class management professionals with in-depth knowledge and competencies suited to the various organizations in the Management/ healthcare field globally.
  • To develop outstanding leaders, skilled in both medicine and management professional, to take positions of influence through which they will contribute substantially to the management/health and well-being of individuals and society.
  • To imparting best learning opportunities to the students in the field of management.
  • To produce quality managers/professionals/leaders for public and private business organizations as well as for hospitals
  • To developing leadership and expertise, in business and health care management.


  • To be recognized as the leading academic institution with expanding and diversifying multi-disciplinary curricula for the development and advancement of medical Students/ practitioners in the discipline of management sciences.
  • To create awareness of management’s know-how among the students.
  • To orientate the participants with the basic management knowledge concepts and principles among the students and its relevance with health care management.
  • To understand and analyze good governance at local, national, and global level.
  • Develop the skills to appear as a manager, team leader, policy planner, programmer and Development related program.
  • To create better understanding with the research methodology and techniques.
  • To generate the avenue of the revenue to ease the burden of the government.