Taleeque ul Karim

Coordinator and Lecturer

  • Mr. Taleeque ul Karim is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse background in both healthcare and business management. Holding an MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management (HHCM) along with a degree as a Medical Technologist, he brings a unique blend of medical expertise and business acumen to his current role.
  • Currently serving as a Coordinator and Lecturer at two esteemed institutions, the Institute of Health and Business Management (IHBM) at Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) and Ziauddin University, Mr. Taleeque plays a pivotal role in bridging the worlds of healthcare and business. His dedication to education and his ability to seamlessly integrate the intricacies of healthcare administration with the principles of business management make him a valuable asset to both institutions.
  • With a commitment to excellence in education and a wealth of practical knowledge, Mr. Taleeque ul Karim is not only shaping the minds of future healthcare leaders but also contributing significantly to the advancement of the healthcare industry.
  • Reflection on the MBA Program

  • My journey through the MBA program, with a specialization in Hospital and Healthcare Management (HHCM), has been transformative in every sense. The program's unique fusion of business management principles and healthcare intricacies has allowed me to gain a holistic understanding of the healthcare sector. The comprehensive curriculum and expert faculty at IHBM-JSMU provided me with a strong foundation in healthcare administration, strategic management, and leadership. It was during this program that I realized the immense potential for synergy between the healthcare and business domains.
  • One of the most valuable aspects of the program was the practical approach to learning. Case studies, real-world projects, and interactions with industry professionals allowed me to apply classroom knowledge to actual healthcare scenarios, making the learning experience dynamic and relevant.
  • Today, as a Coordinator and Lecturer at IHBM-JSMU and Ziauddin University, I have the privilege of imparting this knowledge to aspiring healthcare professionals. My own experience as a student in this program has equipped me with the tools to bridge the gap between healthcare and business, preparing the next generation of leaders to tackle the complex challenges of the healthcare industry.
  • I am deeply grateful for the opportunities and insights that the MBA program has provided, and I look forward to continuing my journey of contributing to the advancement of both healthcare and business management.

Dr. Zain Ali Raza

Public Health Consultant

  • Dr. Zain Ali Raza is a distinguished public health professional and dedicated to improving the health and well-being of communities through evidence-based strategies. His work encompasses a wide range of areas, including epidemiology, health policy, disease prevention, and health promotion. He has actively engaged in research projects aimed at identifying trends, patterns, and risk factors that impact public health outcomes.

  • My journey through the MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management has significantly shaped my role in the public health sector. The program's emphasis on management skills has enabled me to lead teams, navigate complex healthcare environments, and allocate resources effectively for successful public health initiatives. Understanding healthcare operations has optimized processes, improving health outcomes in the communities we serve. With newfound business acumen, I secure funding, develop sustainable healthcare programs, and bridge healthcare and business perspectives for stakeholder support.
  • The analytical skills gained from the MBA are invaluable in dissecting data, making evidence-based decisions, and driving success in epidemiology, health policy, and program evaluation. Ultimately, the MBA has empowered me to drive positive transformations in healthcare systems and communities, collaborating across stakeholders to address intricate health challenges effectively.

Ms. Nayab

Senior Officer

  • Nayab is a dedicated Senior Officer at Meezan Bank Limited, With a passion for helping customers achieve theiur financial goals, Nayab excels in engaging clients in conversations about Meezan Bank's products. By providing comprehensive guidance and personalized solutions, Nayab ensures customer satisfaction and empowers them to make informed investment decisions. Combining banking expertise with ongoing MBA studies, Nayab offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights to clients.
  • Reflection on the MBA Program

  • Recalling my IHBM BBA days is like reminiscing about a growth-filled theme park. Professors turned complexity into captivating insights to felt unlocking success secrets. Imagine a roller coaster - highs mastering tough concepts, fueled study session as diving into knowledge abysses. Library study sessions just before exams formed friendships stronger than caffeine kicks. IHBM fueled self-discovery and adventure, debated rivaling comedy ad heart-to-heart chats unveiling hidden talents. IHBM even made me a library seat finding champion during intense exam seasons. No doubt, IHBM shaped the quirky, knowlegable, ambitious person I am, well prepared for work and my MBA journey.

Muhammad Arif Alam

Assistant Business Manager

  • Around 13 years of multiple experience in Sales, Marketing, B2B and Field Force Management in Top Pharmaceutical and Hospital Sector in Pakistan.

  • The reflection of my MBA program in “Hospital & Health Care Management” from IHBM was a very meaningful and next level moved my professional also personal growth. During the study I learn a lot of professional things and discipline from my each respected teachers because they are very professional and practical about the relevant field of study. Before enrolled in MBA program I was doing my job in a regular way but as soon I completed my MBA program from IHBM. I’m doing my job very professional and right way to extended my academic knowledge and communication in my field.Yes, during the MBA program I not only gained experiences in my field but also understand very deep knowledge about another field such as HR, Finance, Procurement, IT and Health Care Management etc.
  • Now ALHAMDULILLAH I have comprehensive information in multiple departments and their insights models’ especially thanks to all my IHBM's teachers who definitely changed and reformed my professional expertise and self-confidence.


Hospital Administration

  • Dr. Naheed Akhtar plays a crucial part in healthcare administration and management, utilizing her clinical experience and leadership skills to enhance the overall quality of healthcare delivery. Her communication skills and dedication to patient-centered care uniquely position her to bridge the gap between medical practice and administration so her work encompasses a wide range of areas, including health policy, disease prevention, quality improvement initiatives, patient safety protocols and health promotion. Her clinical expertise enables to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, treatment protocols, and patient care strategies. She has actively participated in research projects designed to find trends, patterns, and risk factors that affect the outcomes of public health.
  • Reflection on the MBA Program

  • The IHBM MBA in Hospital and Healthcare Management transformed my career in healthcare consulting, enhancing leadership skills and business acumen. The program covers strategic planning, finance, marketing, and organizational behavior, enabling informed decisions and efficient healthcare facility management. Management skills like critical thinking, problem- solving, and communication improved through coursework and practical experiences, boosting team management and resource allocation. The program also offers insights into healthcare legislation, compliance, and emerging technologies, aiding patient care and regulatory adherence. Networking opportunities with diverse professionals refined leadership and led to patient-centered solutions. Ultimately, the MBA equips me to manage healthcare organizations effectively amid global changes.

Samia Adnan

Senior Executive

  • I am an audit professional with 2+ years of experience in textile industry, particularly with top exporters of Pakistan. My job roles revolve around ensuring transparency, accuracy and objectivity in payments by performing a thorough examination of financials transactions, records, processes and systems. The goal is to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance with financial regulations. The audit cover areas such as payment processing invoicing payroll vendor management and reconciliation. Its aim to identify any discrepancies, error or fraudulent activities, and provide recommendation for improving payment method and procedure, internal control and financial transparency. The payment audit help enhance financial integrity and mitigate financial risk within the organization.

  • Completing my EMBA from IHBM, JSMU (2017-2019) program transformed my career, reshaping my path as an auditor. This tailor-made journey enriched my skills and broadened my auditing domain. The curriculum blending business management principles with auditing practices offered a well-rounded perspective, strengthening financial oversight and strategic decision- making abilities. The program's emphasis on leadership and communication boosted my confidence and interaction with management, customers, and executives. Access to IHBM's alumni network was priceless, connecting me with industry leaders and career prospects. I'm eager to guide students as needed. Grateful to IHBM and the faculty for the impactful MBA experience that enhanced both my professional and personal life.